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Showing posts from September, 2022

React Express & Mysql: Sequelize

Now, you have React project in my-app folder and Express project in prod_project folder. We are going to create back-end APIs that will be accessed by our React app. If you don't have React and Express apps set up, you go to the page Product CRUD Project In the prod_project folder, run the following command to install dependencies that are required to create the APIs on Express server. D:\prod_project> npm install sequelize sequelize-cli mysql2 jsonwebtoken cors body-parser bcrypt sequelize helps us synchronize the models (defined later in our project) with Mysql database. From the models, you can create tables in the database, query, add, update, delete data in the tables. sequelize-cli - Sequelize Command Line Interface helps us create models, migrations, and database. mysql2   is a fast mysql driver to work with mysql database from Express. jsonwebtoken works in user authentication by token for securely transmitting data between our back-end Express and front-end...