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Showing posts from July, 2022

Get start with React

To start web development with React, i recommend you install Node. Node comes with NPM (package manager) helps you easy to add dependencies, create, start, and build your React apps. You can download and install NPM from its official web site: Download NPM . Another useful tool for coder is Visual Studio Code . On my Windows machine, i have installed Node version 16.10.0 with NPM 7.14.0. Now create a project folder and name it react_tutorials in Drive D: or other drive of your choice. Then open the folder in Visual Studio COde (VSC). From the VSC editor, select Terminal. In the terminal, enter the following command to create my-app app in the project folder created above. D:\react_tutorials>npm init react-app my-app After the my-app app is created successfully. You change to my-app folder (cd my-app) . Then You run " npm start " command to start your first react app on browser. React automatically starts on port 3000.

Why React?

React is one of the top UI development frameworks. It is very popular today among web developers around the globe. I love React because of the following things: - It is simple to learn and use. - It is JavaScript library. - It effectively applies changes to a web page without reloading the page while data changed. - It is easy to find problems or errors while you are coding.