
React Express & MYSQL - Full Stack Product Admin Panel

In the earlier tutorials, you learnt to create React app , and API endpoints to do authentication with JWT, protect APIs, get and count rows of MYSQL database, and upload form data with files to the database in ExpressJs. In this tutorial, we continue to develop the React app to build a full stack product admin panel website that accesses ExpressJs API endpoints . The product admin panel app will have a left sidebar that allows a visitor easily to navigate different parts of the app. We use bootstrap to style the app. So run the following command to add bootstrap into the React app. my-app>npm install bootstrap Our form components are from reactstrap and icons from react-icons packages. Let execute the commands below to install reactstrap and react-icons. my-app>npm install reacstrap react-icons To setup the left sidebar in the app, we start by creating the components folder in src folder. To group sidebar files, add sidebar folder to the components folder. We have three sidebar...
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